Olivet School
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Products and Services

  • Christian Schools,
  • Preschool,
  • Private Schools,
  • School,
  • Child Care Services,
  • Preschool Kindergarten Grade 1 to Grade 6,


  • Primary and Elementary School,
  • Child Care Services,

Languages Spoken

  • English,
279 Burnhamthorpe Rd, Etobicoke, ON M9B 1Z6
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Opening Hours *Holiday hours

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Ratings & Reviews - Olivet School

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    Etobicoke's Hidden Gem

    Parents choosing Olivet as their children's first foray into structured learning should know they have not just chosen a school they have chosen a community! We enrolled our 4 yr old into Olivet in Sept of 2013; we wanted a school that cared about more than marks. We wanted our son to go to a school that encouraged a love of learning and also a sense of community. As any parent may appreciate parenthood has become more complex and concerning in terms of what is best for the child. An area that we felt was not always demonstrated is moral code; one that is more in line with what is practiced at home. Olivet places a large importance on caring for your classmates and instills a sense of community in their students. The tools Olivet uses for engaging their students meets the varying needs of each child. I appreciate the manner in which the teachers teach as oppose to following a regimented curriculum developed by the public school board. I want my child to leave Olivet armed with not only good marks but also a sense of self and empathy for others. Thank you Olivet for welcoming our child and family into your community.

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    Surprise! Surprise!!

    Tons of skepticism, followed by due-diligence ( Research, asking questions of the right people ) and prayer. We wanted the very best start for our daughter who was 4 at the time. Fast forward 8 years later from pre-school to grade 6 this is a small sample of the results 1 Straight A student 2 Avid reader 3 Unquenchable passion for learning 4 Articulate 5 Strong character, balanced and well rounded young lady Strong morals and values.Healthy sense of respect for herself, for others, and for authority. She made only one demand of us (mom and dad) from grade 1-6, because of her love for her school she didn't want to be late or miss a day. She has only one regret - she has to leave at the end of this year because there is no grade 7 or 8. If i had a hundred kids i would send them to Olivet !! Job well done THANK YOU to all who molded our precious child into such a fine young lady. Extremely satisfied parents

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    Lovely Little School

    Olivet School is lovely small Christian Private School. It offers a very warm and caring environment for its students, perfect for the Pre-K to Gr. 6 students it caters to! If you are looking for a private school in the Etobicoke area, I highly recommend visiting Olivet School.

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    Great School!

    I attended Olivet when it offered Jk-Gr. 8 and I loved it! The small class sizes allowed for more one on one help. The teachers go above and beyond. Olivet provided a very encouraging classroom environment. I highly recommend it!

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