Femmes de lune
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LEndometriosis is a medical condition that affects five to 10 per cent of women of reproductive age, and they will generally realize they are affected by it when they feel severe pain. The problem can cause a variety of complications, including infertility.

It is after suffering from endometriosis herself that Florence Vinit decided to launch Femme de lune. “I found very few French resources to accompany me in this condition, which contributed to a sense of isolation from the disease. I made a lot of progress getting the information and tools I needed to get over this,” she explains. “And then I thought, 'Why not share what I have learned from this experience with other women affected by the same condition?' This is what prompted me to open Femmes de lune in 2013. And it was met with a greater need around menstruations, transmission from mother to daughter, etc.”

Though endometriosis was the initial reason behind Florence’s initiative, it rapidly expanded to include all subjects relevant to women, creating a space for menstrual coaching to better understand the different phases on the cycle, to get support with endometriosis and fertility, as well as a place for women to share between them using tools like red tents and fertility circles.

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