I’m so uncomfortable! How can I get rid of bloating?

July 8, 2014

Your stomach is so distended that you can’t even do up your pants? To get rid of bloating once and for all, you might need to change the way you eat.

I’m so uncomfortable! How can I get rid of bloating?

A digestive system in poor shape

Bloating is usually a sign of indigestion.

  • To get rid of bloating, not only will you need to review everything you eat, you will also have to take a look at your lifestyle habits.
  • Your doctor can help you assess your overall diet or refer you to a nutritionist for more detailed counselling.

The foods at fault

Although nutritionists often sing the praises of fruits, vegetables and grains, some of these foods contain substances that make digesting them difficult for sensitive people.

To get rid of bloating, pay particular attention to the following foods and eliminate them if you feel uncomfortable after eating them.

  • Grains and nuts
  • Legumes
  • Barley and oats
  • Cruciferous vegetables (i.e., broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and bok choy)
  • Corn
  • Nightshade vegetables (i.e., onions, sweet peppers, and tomatoes)

Other factors to consider

  • All food intolerances cause bloating symptoms. Allergies to lactose, gluten, nuts, eggs, soy and corn are the most common.
  • All of the following conditions increase your chances of bloating: constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulosis, premenstrual syndrome and ovarian cysts.

Visit your doctor to determine if these factors may be to blame.

Wage war on your bad habits

  • Trying to find the extra motivation to quit smoking? Look no further. Inhaling your daily dose of nicotine aggravates the symptoms of flatulence, just as chewing gum does.
  • Stress and anxiety can also be part of the problem because you swallow a lot of air when you’re nervous. It’s another good reason to practice deep breathing to stay calm.
  • When you eat, take the time to chew by counting to 30 before you swallow. Liquefying food in the mouth activates digestive enzymes and helps them to do their job properly.

Seven tricks to get rid of bloating

  1. Drink herbal tea after meals, especially chamomile, peppermint, ginger or fennel.
  2. Take probiotics as a supplement or eat more yogurt and kefir.
  3. If you have constipation, increase your fibre intake by eating more flax seeds, chia seeds and psyllium.
  4. Decrease your salt intake, as it causes water retention.
  5. Eliminate carbonated drinks, coffee, tea and artificial sweeteners.
  6. Steam vegetables to make them more digestible.
  7. Drink lots of water and exercise every day.

When all else fails, see a doctor

Trying to get rid of bloating with the most common methods can sometimes fail.

  • If, in addition to bloating, you also suffer from diarrhea, severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, blood in the stools, and fever, call your local clinic and ask to see a doctor right away.
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