Sage: an impressive medicinal herb with multiple functions

February 27, 2016

Why should you be interested in sage and its useful properties? Because you can use it for many purposes, such as a repellent, anti-inflammatory, in addition to a garnish in the kitchen. Here's everything you need to learn about it!

Sage: an impressive medicinal herb with multiple functions

Multiple functions

Like many herbs, sage is rich in essential oil with antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and deodorizing properties. This is why it's commonly called the "all-purpose".

  • Use the leaves to make a multi-use or anti-insect spray with vinegar.
  • Put a few drops of essential oil on a damp cloth to clean the kitchen and bathroom.
  • Dried or as an essential oil, sage is also effective against mites.
  • In the garden, plant it to keep butterflies away from the cabbage.

A powerful repellent

Four Thieves Vinegar

This herbal vinegar is a potent repellent against insects, which can also be applied to the skin or on shoes and socks to keep ticks and mites away. Do a small tolerance test before spraying it on the skin.

  • Mix two litres (eight cups) cider vinegar, 30 grams (two tablespoons) minced garlic and 30 grams (two tablespoons) of rosemary, rue, sage, lavender, peppermint and absinthe.
  • Let macerate for two weeks in the sun, shaking the mixture daily.
  • Strain the liquid and discard the herbs.
  • Add several cloves of crushed garlic and then close again.
  • Let macerate for another three days.
  • Filter and remove the garlic fibre.
  • Label the bottle and store in a cool place.

This vinegar is not recommended for pregnant women and young children.

Herbal medicine

The leaves of Salvia officinalis have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

  1. Sage is often used as a mouthwash or gargle in case of sore throat, gingival infection, tonsillitis and mouth ulcer.
  2. Italso appearsto have a drying effect in the event of excessive sweating; it is prescribed in case of night sweats due to menopause.
  3. Sage also helps improve memory, concentration and mood.
  4. Recent clinical trials have shown that it can also have a positive effect on symptoms associated with Alzheimer's disease.
  5. We use the roots of Salvia miltiorhiza. In traditional Chinese medicine, dan shen is a remedy that "circulates the blood." Modern research focuses primarily on the effects that sage can have on the cardiovascular system. Clinical trials indicate that it may be useful to treat angina pectoris and high blood pressure.
  6. Laboratory studies have also found its protective effects on the liver, which explains the use of dan shen in cases of illness in this organ. For proper use of dan shen consult a doctor or herbalist. Dan shen is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women; they should not consume more sage than the standard amounts used in cooking.


  • We use common sage most often in the kitchen.
  • Its fragrance and flavour is very strong, which is intensified by drying and salting with camphor notes.

It is particularly suitable for rich dishes such as duck, chicken and pork (especially stuffed), red meats, beans, eggplant, the tomato sauces, stews and soups.

  • Have a light hand with casseroles. It is also found in ready-stuffing mixes and dried Italian herb blends.
  • The fried leaves can be used as a garnish.
  • It's used in salads in the Middle East.
  • Sage tea is widespread in many countries.
  • In Dalmatia, in the southeast of Europe, sage grows in the wild and the flowers are used to produce honey.

As you can see, sage has multiple functions. Be sure to consult your doctor before consuming it for medicinal use.

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