3 easy comfort food suggestions for a sick child

November 3, 2015

3 Easy comfort foods to make for a sick child

When your kids are sick, they need a lot of bed rest and plenty of TLC. It's also important that they eat well in order to get better and keep their energy up. Certain foods will be more appealing to kids, especially when they're sick. That's when comfort foods come in handy. Here are three easy comfort food suggestions for sick kids that will help nourish them and get them back to feeling great.

3 easy comfort food suggestions for a sick child

1. Pancakes and bacon

Pancakes and bacon are a great combo to get your kids filled up and nourished. You can make the pancakes even more appealing by adding a special spice to the mix.

  • Nutmeg or ginger will add flavor that your sick kids will love.
  • Dress the pancakes in butter and maple syrup and add a few slices of bacon for a little added protein.
  • This meal doesn't have to be limited to breakfast. You can serve it to your kids at any time of the day. If they're still hungry, include a serving of scrambled eggs for a healthy and nourishing addition.

2. Chicken soup

Chicken soup is one of the classic recipes to comfort a sick child. The hot broth is great for a sore throat, cough or congestion and the ingredient will warm them and keep them healthy and strong enough to fight off a cold. It's easy to make, too.

  • Start by removing the meat from a rotisserie chicken, and add it to a chicken broth (homemade or canned is fine).
  • Then dice up some celery and carrots and add in the parsley, rosemary, garlic, salt and pepper and let it all simmer for a few hours until the vegetables are soft.
  • You can refrigerate the leftovers and serve it again over the next few days. Add some noodles for extra nutrition.

3. Loaded oatmeal

Oatmeal is a warm comfort food that is great for breakfast. Your kids should wake up to a hot, hearty meal that will fill up their stomachs, especially if they have to take any cold medicine to help them feel better.

  • Start by boiling steel-cut oats until they are soft.
  • Drain the excess water and then add in a little whole milk, a few sprinkles of brown sugar, and some delicious toppings that your child likes, like golden raisins, walnuts or fresh berries for some extra vitamins.

These comfort foods will give your child something to look forward to while sick.

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