Everybody wants healthy, shining hair. If your crowning glory is looking a little worse for wear, here are 6 natural ways that you can nurture your hair back into lustrous shape.
When you're not inclined to head to a salon to fix your hair, these easy home hair remedies will do the trick — and leave you with gorgeous, shiny hair.
Why rush off to the salon for pricey hair treatments when there are simple alternatives you can try at home? Follow these 3 helpful hints for a natural approach to colouring, styling and dealing with hair loss.
Want to update your hairstyle for fall? From edgy buzz cuts to low maintenance colour treatments, here are six hot trends for men and women to try this season.
Want to change your look instantly? You’d love a voluptuous hairstyle but don’t have the patience to let your hair grow out? Try hair extensions!
"Up-do" hairstyles have a timeless appeal. Think of Audrey Hepburn's chignon in Breakfast at Tiffany's, as desirable today as it was in 1961. Not that you need to be up for an Oscar to create a film-star look. If you can manage a ponytail, you can cr
Don't let a faulty appliance interfere with your daily hair care regime. Keep your appliances in top working order--and your hair looking its best--with these hair care appliance tips and tricks.
The relationship between you and your hairdresser has to be one of trust, which comes with time and experience together, so how can you get there fast when a new face is holding the scissors over your head?
Men’s hairstyles have changed as guys now shamelessly join the ranks of fashion with haircuts that reflect their status and personality.
High or low, once again the hair updo steals the show. However you do it, it goes with whatever you’re wearing. Even the ancient Greek goddesses knew that!
You’d like a good cut and style that you don’t want to wash out as soon as you get home. So, how do you find an affordable hair salon that’s up to the job?
If your last dye job was a disaster, don't despair. There are ways to fix worst hair colour failures, whether they're the result of a bad trip to the salon or a DIY attempt gone awry.
A homemade shampoo may be an effective option for treating chronically oily hair.
Quick and easy DIY products for your hair.
Most of us don't clean our hairbrushes often enough. When we finally get around to it, we spend more time untangling that hair ball mess than we do on the cleaning job itself. Clean more often by using the following tips, and you'll save time in the
If you like the idea of putting your hair up for a special occasion or a night out on the town, then do it! There are some beautiful, simple up-dos that you can do yourself and won’t take you very long. Here, three quick ones.
Don’t leave anything to chance when it comes to hair color. Get your touch-ups done by a professional hair colorist—she is a truly talented artist.
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