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140-8960 University High St, Burnaby, BC V5A 4Y6 Get directions
Yee Benny Dr Inc, General Dentist
We believe in helping our patients increase their confidence and self-esteem with a beautiful and healthy smile. Dr. Yee's eye for detail ensures that each patient he sees receives... more... See more text
Dr. Yee is an absolutely PHENOMENAL dentist! I haven't had a dental plan in a few years, so I have quite a back-log of procedures/cavities/crowns that need to be attended to. Dr. Yee did a thorough exam the first day I came to him back in March, and listed all the items that needed attention in my mouth, giving me a wide variety of treatment options for all of them. When my dental plan kicked in in August Jeanny was amazing! She went through ALL of the procedures with me and organized them so I got the maximum coverage from my plan with as little out of pocket expense as possible. She did A LOT of foot work for me, as did Dr. Yee, to ensure that my insurance and dental work was completed as efficiently as possible. Now here's what sets Dr. Yee apart from any other dentist I've been to! One of the procedures I need is gum grafts. They are quite pricey, so I have a plan to complete the work over the next year and a bit with my insurer, again, thanks to Jeanny's tireless efforts. As Dr. Yee was preparing to do my first grafts today he saw a problem area next to the teeth to be grafted. Without hesitation, he did an extra graft FREE OF CHARGE to help circumvent future problems for me. If that isn't a caring/proactive dentist I don't know what is. Seriously, Dr. Yee, you've got a patient for life! So in short, great staff, great doctor, everything was very hygienic, and all the equipment used is cutting edge. I would recommend him to anyone looking for a dentist that actually CARES about the health of your mouth. Read more
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