Eric Electric
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Meet the owner

“If I had to go a day without music, I think I would die,” says Calgary-based DJ and entertainer Eric Electric. He strives to be the most entertaining DJ you will ever meet by combining his DJ skills with his other entertainment talents, creating what he calls The Eric Electric Experience.

Eric got his start as a disc jockey entrepreneur by managing and hiring out DJs to parties. “I would always feel that something was missing – they didn't see what they were doing as a performance,” he says. “It wasn't inherently entertaining. So after doing a few events on my own, I found that crowds were very receptive to my concept and it grew from there.”

Eric Electric officially became a business in 2009, though the Eric’s entertainer-meets-DJ persona had been a longstanding component of his work. “I had been dabbling in magic and sleight-of-hand before becoming a DJ,” he says. “I incorporate that and a few other forms of entertainment into the act.”

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