Luxor Hair Salon
2173 41st Ave W, Vancouver, BC V6M 1Z6
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Meet the owner

Inspired by the origin of ancient Egyptian beauty, hair care and cosmetics, local husband-and-wife team Kim and Monica Min named their business Luxor Hair Salon to represent the luxurious and amazing journey of beauty that customers experience at their elegant Kerrisdale location.

It was a love for people and beautiful hair that first drew Monica to the salon industry. “Monica really loves getting to know her clients, making their hair beautiful and making them happy,” says Kim, who stays away from the scissors and colour, but ensures Luxor is running smoothly while his wife and the Luxor Hair Salon team work their magic. “All of our stylists feel the same way and we all work together to take care of our clients.”

After Monica honed her skills as a stylist for eight years in Korea, the Mins relocated to Canada, where they found a place to call home in Vancouver's charming Kerrisdale neighbourhood. For four years, Monica happily cut, styled and coloured the hair of Vancouverites before the Mins took the leap and opened the doors of Luxor Hair Salon in 2012. “It’s a really lovely community here. There are so many nice people, so we wanted to make their hair beautiful,” says Kim.

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