It's About Time
20235 Fraser Hwy, Langley, BC V3A 4E7
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Opening Hours *Holiday hours

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Meet the owner

A professional horologist and watchmaker, Vahid Yazdanmehr began his trade internationally and studied through his family business in the 1980s. He started building commercial clocks in Langley back in 1995. Over the years, the business owned and operated by his family grew to become Canada's largest custom indoor/outdoor and golf course clock manufacturer, as well as the biggest online store for grandfather clocks, wall clocks, mantel clocks, cuckoo clocks, table top clocks, novelty clocks and antique clocks serving Canada and the United States.

“All of our clocks are manufactured here in Langley. I am very hands-on and still very involved in that side of the business. We build every clock from scratch,” says Vahid proudly.

Throughout his rewarding career of sharing his love for clocks and watches with the public, Vahid has especially enjoyed the calm, relaxed pace that comes with offering luxury timepieces on the retail side of the business.

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