Jane at Creative Health For Life

Products and Services

  • Holistic Health Service,
  • Nutrition Consulting,
  • Energy Medicine,
  • Live Blood Cell Analysis,
  • Health Supplements,
  • Life Coaching,

Languages Spoken

  • English,
2184-A Queen Street East, Toronto, ON M4E 1E6
Useful Information

Opening Hours *Holiday hours

Appointment Only
Appointment Only
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Meet the owner

A visit to Jane's home-based clinic at 2184 Queen Street East starts with a calf-burning stair climb into a beautiful loft, where you’re greeted by Jane's familiar flashing smile. Known for having a candid, jocular and inspiring countenance among her patients, Jane is a metabolic balance leader in Toronto with more than 30 years of practice and happy patients under her yoga belt. One has only to read the touching testimonials Jane has received over the years to see how her pint-sized body can move overweight patients towards long-term health happiness.

So it's no surprise that Jane Durst Pulkys has been making waves in Toronto. In addition to being the owner of Jane at Creative Health For Life, she is also one of Canada's 90+ practicing metabolic balance® coaches, a holistic nutritionist, a health educator, an author and a lifestyle coach. Jane exudes confidence, as seen by her dozen or more appearances on Breakfast TV. She has been featured with Avis Favaro, CTV’s medical and health correspondent, and in the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller The Psychology of Wealth by Dr. Charles Richards.

So writing The Book on Confidence  came naturally to Jane, even though, growing up, she suffered from intense low-confidence that threatened to paralyze her sense of self and her career. During her first trip to New York, Jane was wowed by the grandeur that New Yorkers exuded. “In that moment I felt small, insignificant and insecure,” says Jane. Not anymore.

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