Western Boat Lift Dock & Trailer Inc

Products and Services

  • Boat Lifts,
75 Corriveau Ave, St. Albert, AB T8N 5A3
Useful Information

Opening Hours *Holiday hours

Appointments Available: Sunday, Saturday.
Appointments Available: Sunday, Saturday.
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Meet the owner

Randy Kaup was a mechanical engineer until the water called. After buying a lakefront property in 2001, he and his family wanted to have more fun on the water. With a lot of trial and error, they finally found quality equipment and gear and Randy realized that a niche market was begging to be filled.

“My dad had been doing this part-time since 2002,” says Randy’s son, Joel. “Then he quit to focus on bringing complementary boat and watercraft products to Alberta.” While the availability and quantity of lakes in Alberta may be more limited than in provinces like BC or Ontario, the amount of people on lakefront property who want to take advantage of the water is still high. “There are a lot of people who want to enjoy the lake and we make it easier for them,” says Joel.

Western Boat Lift focuses on docks, boat lifts and accessories. They have floating docks, stationary and roll-in docks and are highly experienced with installation and location consultation. “We can do everything involved with your dock or boat lift if you don’t have the time,” says Joel. “Our team is capable of installation and seasonal storage and removal, so you don’t have to worry about that either.” A boat lift is an answer to launching a boat easily. After installation, it just takes the push of a button to get the boat on the water and off. Because of the seasonal nature of Alberta, Western Boat Lift also offers removal before the winter season starts.

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