2 smart ways to tackle arthritis pain

October 5, 2015

As pain comes in a variety of different ways and sensations, so do the methods to relieve pain. See two major ones below.

2 smart ways to tackle arthritis pain

1. Doing yoga

  • Though yoga is considered an individual discipline, it is recommended that people with arthritis make yoga classes part of an overall self-management program. Yoga classes provide instruction, impose structure on your daily practicing and help you connect with other people.
  • If you find that stiff or painful joints limit your motion during yoga, try heating the affected areas with a heating pad or perhaps a hot bath before doing your routine. Caution: If joints are acutely inflamed, check with your doctor about whether heat treatment is appropriate.
  • To get the most out of yoga, practitioners say it's best to do a daily routine. You don't need large amounts of time, but you should strive for a session of about 30 minutes, perhaps with 15 minutes of exercise and 15 minutes of breathing and meditation.

2. Using heat and cold

Exercise isn't the only way to get physical with pain. The sensations of heat and cold can have remarkable pain-relieving effects. Cold not only numbs pain, it constricts blood vessels and helps reduce swelling.

Heat enhances blood circulation and makes muscles relax. Both can help treat the pain of arthritis, though neither should be used for more than 15 or 20 minutes at a time. Some people find they get the best results by switching back and forth — treating joints with heat for several minutes, then (after resting a moment) following with a cold treatment for one minute.

When using cold.

  • In lieu of refreezable commercial products, you can make your own cold pack by applying a bag of frozen vegetables or a sandwich bag filled with ice.
  • It's best to wrap the pack in a towel to keep from damaging your skin.
  • If you don't have a towel handy, keep ice moving in a circular pattern for several minutes at a time.
  • Avoid using cold if you have poor circulation due to conditions such as diabetes.

When using heat. 

  • Heat comes either dry from lamps, heating pads, hot water bottles and electric blankets or wet from warm baths, steamy washcloths or paraffin baths.
  • Whatever you use, avoid combining these heat sources with a topical heating cream, which together can burn the skin.
  • Don't apply pressure with heat, lie down on a heating pad or fall asleep under a heat lamp.
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