4 New Year's resolution ideas for busy people

November 3, 2015

A new year is a great time for any person, especially busy people, to set resolutions to change their life. There are some New Year's resolutions that even the busiest of people can easily undertake.

4 New Year's resolution ideas for busy people

1. Cut back on social media

Instead of introducing new habits or routines into a schedule, consider trimming the time that you already spend on things. One healthy place that most people can cut back is the time they spend on social media.

Try to set a time limit for the number of minutes you spend on sites like Facebook or Twitter or the number of times you check each profile. Cutting back on social media will not only keep you happier and more engaged in your own life, but it will also free up more minutes in your day.

2. Learn how to delegate

If you take on tons of activities and tasks yourself, a really good New Year's resolution idea is to learn how to delegate. Sit down at the beginning of the year and think about all of the little things you do in a day that take up time. Maybe it's something at home like picking up laundry from the floor, or maybe it's deleting old unimportant e-mail files.

Whatever it is, find a way to delegate those tasks to someone else in your life, whether it's an assistant, spouse, or child. You might hate relinquishing control over daily tasks, but learning how to delegate will save you time and energy and help make relationships in your life stronger.

3. Schedule time for yourself

Having time to be alone and recharge is key to living a happy and productive life. So, at the start of the new year commit to scheduling regular "you" time, where you exercise, take a bath, or just unwind. Enlist help from your spouse or other family members to take care of kids during your me time, or schedule it during a time your kids are occupied. That way you can make sure you don't neglect yourself in between all your activities and commitments.

4. Include 15 minutes of exercise every day

If you have a busy schedule that hasn't permitted you to find time for exercise, commit to including 15 minutes of movement every day. You don't even have to join a gym; you can simply do jumping jacks, sit-ups, and push-ups at home, or walk up and down the stairs at work. Boosting your activity level by 15 minutes every day will help relieve stress, increase heart health, and improve your overall fitness.

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