4 tricks for beautiful wax begonias

June 30, 2015

Wax begonias are among the most versatile annuals. Follow these tricks to achieve beautiful blooms and rich foliage.

4 tricks for beautiful wax begonias

About wax begonias

They grow well in sun or shade, are resistant to most pests and diseases, and don't take a lot of maintenance once they're established.

The types sold as bedding plants bloom freely from early summer to frost, providing a mass of white, red, or pink colour offset with light or dark green, bronze or red foliage.

1. Don't plant too early

  • Wait until after the last frost to plant begonias in your flowerbeds and window boxes. They can't stand the cold.
  • If a late frost threatens after you have set out your plants, cover them with an old blanket until milder weather returns.

2. Don't let the size of the seeds fool you

Seeds are tiny yet strong.

  • Sow begonia seeds indoors by pressing them lightly into damp seed-starting mix, but don't cover them. They are very fine and need plenty of light to germinate.
  • Water the seed-starting mix from below to avoid disturbing the seeds, soaking the base of the flat in a larger container of water. When the surface is moist, remove the flat and let it drip before putting it back into a semi-shaded spot.

3. Some leaves are better than others

Go for the bronze.

  • Darker foliage helps wax begonias with bronze leaves tolerate more sun than varieties with green leaves, and bronze-leafed varieties look great, too.
  • When planting any wax begonia in full sun, don't worry if some leaves scorch a little at first. They will fall off, and the new leaves will be acclimatized to the greater light intensity.

4. What to do at the end of summer

At the end of summer, transplant a few vigorous specimens from your flowerbeds into pots filled with potting soil.

  • Potted-up bedding begonias often continue to bloom indoors for several months when kept next to a sunny window.
  • Cut them back occasionally to encourage new shoots.
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