5 foods that help calm a child with ADHD

November 3, 2015

Feeding children who have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can be challenging for a number of reasons. Many prescription medications can decrease a child's appetite while their ADHD will cause them to expend more energy that requires additional calories. However, here are five foods that help calm a child with ADHD.

5 foods that help calm a child with ADHD

1. Fruit

Let's face it -- there isn't a kid in this world that does not crave sugar.

Because sugar and children with ADHD can be a dangerous combination, it's important to strike a balance between treating your child to something tasty without causing them to spin out of control.

While the exact amount of sugar in an apple varies from type to type, a typical apple will have just 19 grams of healthy sugars. However, because apples have exposed skin which can pick up pesticides and herbicides, you should buy organic whenever possible.

2. Fish

Not only is fish an excellent source of vitamin D, but many kinds of fish also contain high levels of omega-3s that have been shown to help prevent the brain from having memory loss later in life.

Look for fish like salmon, tuna, and sardines that are naturally fatty and serve them in a salad, on a sandwich, or straight from the grill.

3. Pizza

No, not the delivery kind, but a miniature type that you can easily make in your kitchen. In fact, to make this pizza, all you need are some English Muffins.

Choose a whole wheat variety of English Muffins for fibre, spread a low-fat cheese for protein, and let your child pick their toppings like tomatoes, olives, peppers, and meat.

The more protein on the pizza the better, because it helps make kids feel full for longer. Protein has this effect because it slows how long it takes the food to go from the mouth to the intestines.

On top of it all, the fibre in the whole wheat bread will help stabilise the child's blood sugar levels.

4. Peanut butter and jelly with bananas

A favourite of many children becomes even better with the addition of vitamin-rich bananas.

Not only does peanut butter contain a high level of healthy proteins, but also the fibre from whole wheat bread will help maintain constant blood sugar levels. Plus, the bananas have high levels of potassium that help boost immunity and improve a child's moods.

5. Dried fruits and nuts

Fruit is an excellent source of fibre while nuts are high in protein. This combination makes dried fruit and nuts perfect for satisfying that sweet and salty craving. And, this snack is easily enjoyed on the go.

Foods to calm your child

If you're looking for foods to help calm your child while also nourishing them, give these five dishes a try.

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