A few ways to enjoy alcohol — and good health

September 29, 2015

Years of research, collectively involving more than 750,000 men and women, have shown that moderate drinking lowers the risk of heart disease, heart attack, and/or cardiovascular-related death. Here's some information on alcohol's effects on your well-being and on how you can enjoy alcohol— and good health — through smart drinking.

A few ways to enjoy alcohol — and good health

Sensible, heavy, and non-drinkers

According to those years of research, sensible drinkers tend to have healthy lifestyle habits. They are more likely than non-drinkers or heavy drinkers to maintain a healthy weight, get seven to eight hours of sleep a night and exercise regularly, according to surveys. They also report enjoying rewarding, relaxed social lives. In short, they have happy hearts — emotionally and physically.

The opposite can be said of those who drink too much. Ethanol, the active ingredient in alcoholic drinks, impairs cognitive function and wreaks havoc on all the body's organs when consumed in excess. Heavy drinking can contribute to or directly cause high blood pressure, obesity, cardio-myopathy (severe weakness of the heart muscle), heart failure, cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) and sudden cardiac death. Other risks include alcoholism, and car crashes.

If you do drink, then limit yourself to a glass of wine a day with dinner. Most heart specialists agree that one or two glasses of wine a day may help to protect against heart attacks in men over 40 years old and in post-menopausal women. But they would also stress that larger amounts of alcohol can raise blood pressure and contribute to weight gain and other serious medical and social problems.

Smart drinking

If you choose to indulge, choose wisely. The following tips can help you enjoy alcohol while also helping your heart.

  • Enjoy full-bodied red wine. White wines are traditionally made without grape skins (or the mashed mixture containing the skins is removed early in the process), which is where most of the protective compounds are found.
  • Drink with dinner. Some studies suggest that the powers of wine are most pronounced when you drink it with your main meal.
  • Make the most of mealtimes. Take the time to enjoy a leisurely dining experience. Set an attractive table, turn on some music, and share your meal with family or friends. A glass of wine adds to eating pleasure.

Remember this information and these tips on how to enjoy alcohol and your good health to help you drink sensibly and responsibly.

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