Helpful home remedies for easing sore throat pain

October 9, 2015

A sore throat can be a real pain in the neck. While they won't replace a doctor's care, these basic home remedies can help soothe or eliminate your discomfort so you can get back to feeling like yourself again.

Helpful home remedies for easing sore throat pain

Understand the cause of your sore throat

  • A raw, stinging throat can often be the first sign of a viral upper respiratory infection, such as a cold or flu, or less commonly, a bacterial infection, such as a strep throat
  • In children, swollen and infected tonsils can cause a sore throat
  • Among adults, smoking is a common cause of mild, chronic throat pain
  • Respiratory viruses and strep organisms spread easily from one person to another, but attention to hygiene and good nutrition helps prevent many episodes

Get lots of vitamin C

  • Although scientific evidence is lacking, many people are convinced that high doses of vitamin C help to reduce the duration and severity of a sore throat and other symptoms of viral respiratory infections
  • Like other antioxidants, vitamin C is instrumental in immune function, so adequate amounts can protect against viruses, bacteria and other infectious agents. What constitutes "adequate," however, remains unresolved. A recent study indicates that 200 milligrams of vitamin C a day may be a more optimal amount than the present Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of 75 to 90 milligrams
  • This same study found that doses above 200 milligrams are of no added benefit, because body tissues are unable to absorb more than that amount. Indeed, for many people, higher amounts may be detrimental because they can lead to iron overload and other problems
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. It is recommended that we eat five to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, and such a diet can easily provide 200 milligrams of vitamin C, as well as other essential vitamins and minerals
  • Especially rich sources of vitamin C include citrus and other fruits, berries, red peppers, melons and dark green vegetables.
  • A 250 millilitre (one cup) serving of orange juice or strawberries contains more than 100 percent of the RDA for adults. These foods are also high in beta carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A, another antioxidant that is instrumental in building immunity

Try zinc

  • Several studies have demonstrated that zinc lozenges can shorten the duration and/or severity of a sore throat
  • A diet that provides adequate zinc strengthens the body's immune defenses
  • Good sources of zinc include yogurt and other dairy products, oysters and other seafood, lean meat, eggs and grains.
  • Taking zinc supplements for a cold or as a preventive measure is not a good idea since getting more than 40 milligrams per day for an extended period of time can weaken your immune system, making it less able to fight against disease

Avoid irritants

  • Alcohol, which reduces immunity and irritates inflamed mucous membranes, should be avoided until the sore throat clears up
  • It's also a good idea to cut down on, or eliminate, caffeine; its diuretic effect increases the loss of body fluids and results in a drying of the membranes and thickening of mucus
  • Make every effort to stop smoking and avoid second-hand smoke

Ease your throat pain

  • Non-alcoholic fluids, whether hot or cold, can alleviate painful swallowing
  • Some doctors even advise temporarily switching to a liquid diet to maintain nutrition without exacerbating throat pain
  • Good choices include milkshakes, fruit juices, broths and soups, and semi-liquid foods such as custards, puddings and gelatin
  • Home sore throat remedies abound, and many are useful in alleviating symptoms. The most time-honoured favourite is to gargle with salty warm water; you can make an alternative gargle by adding 10 millilitres (two teaspoons) of cider vinegar to 125 millilitres (1/2 cup) of warm wate
  • Lemons are loaded with vitamin C and can make a soothing and beneficial drink for sore throats when made into a hot drink. Squeeze the juice of a lemon into a cup of boiling water and add five millilitres (one teaspoon) of honey.

If you're faced with the pain of a sore throat, try these basic remedies to help ease your discomfort and reduce the severity of your symptoms while the pain runs its course.

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