Simple ways to ensure your swimming pool is leak-free

September 22, 2014

One of the most common swimming pool plumbing repairs involves leaks. Get tips on how to locate leaks along with advice on basic home maintenance.
Your swimming pool naturally loses water because of evaporation, backwashing in your filter, and splash out by swimmers. However, if you feel you constantly have to add more than a couple of inches of water to your pool every week, your pool could have a leak. Fixing leaks is a frequent swimming pool plumbing repair that you can often perform yourself if the damage isn’t too severe. However, locating the source of a leak can be difficult. You may want to hire a professional if you suspect your pool is leaking.

Simple ways to ensure your swimming pool is leak-free

Testing your swimming pool for leaks

Not sure if your pool is leaking? There are a few methods you can try to confirm that you have a leak.

  1. Marking the level --At the skimmer, mark the water level of the pool with a piece of tape or a grease pencil. Wait 24 hours, then check for any decrease in level with a ruler. If your pool has lost more than 1/4 inches of water, you have a leak.
  2. Bucket test --Fill a bucket with water (weighed down with rocks or bricks) and place it on the pool step. Mark the water level on the outside and the inside of the bucket, ensuring both levels are the same. Return 24 hours later. If the water line on the outside of the bucket has significantly decreased, you have a leak. Conduct this test once with the pump on and once with it off.

Possible leak areas in you pool

Unfortunately, knowing you have a leak isn’t as easy as finding it and repairing it. If you can find it and repair it that’s great, but you may have a leak that only a professional pool plumber can handle. Most leaks are caused by corrosion or ground movement and are found in the pool’s plumbing lines.

Other areas you might have a leak include the:

  • Return lines
  • Suction lines
  • Main drain
  • Pump and filter

Basic home maintenance for your pool

To ensure your pool runs at full capacity, be sure to keep up with your basic pool maintenance. Swimming pool plumbing repairs can be costly if the problem is ignored and allowed to evolve into something serious. Keeping up with basic pool care protects your pool from serious issues in the future.

Basic pool maintenance should be conducted two to three times a week and include:

  • Emptying the pump basket and skimmer
  • Vacuuming the pool
  • Brushing the sides and bottom of the pool to loosen dirt and other particles
  • Skimming the surface for leaves and other debris
  • Checking water circulation
  • Inspecting and cleaning the filter
  • Testing pool water and adding chemicals

Maintaining your swimming pool involves careful cleaning, inspecting, and chemical balancing. Leaks are a common problem, but swimming pool plumbing repairs can help alleviate issues and get your pool back to normal and ready for those hot summer months!

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