How to prevent back pain

February 6, 2014

Almost all of us are familiar with back spasms, muscle tension, or inflammation. Back pain is the number onehealth issue in the Western world.

Your back carries the weight of the world

The lower back and pelvis alone support two thirds of your body weight and orchestrate three quarters of your torso’s movements. That is why sooner or later your back is bound to feel the effects of being manhandled through jolts, poor posture, and life stress. There are very few exceptions—four out of five people will suffer from back pain over the course of their lives.

Pamper your back

To avoid back pain, your back needs to be treated with care. There are several things you can do to take better care of your back.

  • Try to sleep in a fetal position or on your back, with two pillows supporting your knees.
  • Set up your work station with ergonomics in mind. Employers are usually ready to help with this.
  • Make sure the back of your chair supports your back properly. A cushion or rolled towel can be placed behind the lower back.
  • Stand up and walk around for a few minutes every hour or even more often.
  • When lifting heavy objects, bend the knees and use your thigh muscles to stand up with the weight.
  • When standing, keep your back straight. Keep your shoulders back and your stomach in.
  • Ladies, you’d best say goodbye to those beautiful stiletto heels you bought for the last office party. Opt instead for ballet flats or slipper-style shoes—they’re trendy, anyway.

Get moving

It’s a known fact that physical activity strengthens muscles and improves flexibility. And being overweight is an extra burden on the back. These are pretty good reasons to take Fido for a walk or to register for the aquafitness class you have wanted to try. If physical activity is responsible for your back pain, wait no longer than two weeks after your injury before getting gently back on track—unless your doctor recommends otherwise, of course.

If the damage has already been done

There are many ways to treat back pain. If the pain is unbearable and seems an indication of a serious problem, consult a doctor immediately.

  • Try taking an analgesic, muscle relaxant, or anti-inflammatory drugs for temporary relief. They act in a different and at times complementary manner. However, some do have side effects. Be sure to make an informed choice by consulting your doctor or pharmacist.
  • Chiropractors, osteopaths, and certain physiotherapists can treat back pain with muscle manipulation, according to the type of back pain. In addition to giving you relief, they can help you build strength and flexibility.
  • There is nothing better than a good massage to relieve tension and mild back pain. Consider it a health care strategy rather than just pleasure and your back will thank you.
How to prevent back pain
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