When should you get rid of a mole on your face?

October 28, 2014

Moles on your face, or anywhere else for that matter, are not only unsightly, but could become dangerous. Here's when you should consider having a mole removed.
Where do moles come from?

Moles occur when skin cells cluster in one area. These cells are known as melanocytes, and they make the pigment that gives skin its natural color. Moles may darken after exposure to the sun, during adolescence or during pregnancy.

What are the different types of moles?

There are two types of moles: congenital neviand dysplastic nevi. The first are visible at birth and only affect about one in 100 people. Dysplastic neviare larger than average. People with dysplastic nevitend to have more than 100 moles.

It’s difficult to tell with the naked eye what moles have the possibility of becoming cancerous. If you have a lot of moles, see your doctor or skin care specialist to have a baseline examination done. This will allow them to note the current size and shape of your moles, and you’ll have an opportunity to raise any concerns.

From there, regular inspections should become a part of your routine at home. Track your moles regularly for any changes. A handy trick to remember what to look for is in the ABCDEs:

Asymmetry — This is visible when the mole has pigmentation outside the defined shape, so one half does not match the other.

Border — The border of the mole can be blotchy, ragged or blurred, where the colour appears to fade into the skin.

Colour — The mole may have dark patches throughout or has multiple shades of tan, brown, black, blue, white, or red pigment.

Diameter — Melanomas are usually larger than the size of a pencil eraser (6mm) at the time of diagnosis.

Elevation/Evolution — A mole looks different than other marks or lesions on your skin. It appears elevated or raised. Are the moles changing over time?

What to do if your mole changes

If you notice changes in a mole's color, height, size, or shape, you should have your doctor evaluate it. First, they will want to take a biopsy or small tissue sample of the mole. This is a simple procedure that allows them to look at thin sections of the tissue under a microscope. It is imperative to get rid of a mole if it is found to be cancerous. They will remove the mole and a small amount of skin around it. You will receive a few stitches to close the wound.

Alternatively, the doctor may choose to excise and get rid of the mole with cauterization. Cauterizationessentially burns away the mole tissue, sealing the wound as the mole is removed. Both removal tactics are relatively low-risk, outpatient procedures.

Reasons for removing a mole

It’s not uncommon for doctors to recommend removing a mole in order to prevent it from becoming cancerous. You may even decide to remove a mole for cosmetic purposes, particularly if it’s in an obvious place on the face or neck.

For the most part, moles are harmless parts of our character and part of what makes us unique.

When should you get rid of a mole on your face?
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