5 ways to treat candida overgrowth

November 14, 2014

Candida overgrowth is a serious problem that can cause serious pain. This guide offers tips for getting rid of candida so you can feel healthy again.

5 ways to treat candida overgrowth

Candida overgrowth is an overabundance of yeast in your body that builds up and can cause persistent physical and psychological symptoms. Candida is a yeast that occurs naturally and grows in the gastrointestinal tract.

When it builds up in high concentrations, the symptoms can be unbearable. It can cause gas and bloating, problems with digestion, migraines, depression and many other painful symptoms. Here are some natural ways to help cure candida overgrowth.

1. Kill the yeast

The first step to fixing this issue is to adjust the diet in order to kill the yeast. As difficult as it sounds, you'll have to eliminate all sugar from your diet. Fruit, milk and yeast-containing foods like alcohol, wheat and certain types of nuts should be cut out. All of those foods feed yeast, and getting rid of these will help to starve the yeast and encourage it to die off.

2. Introduce herbs

There are plenty of great antifungal herbs available that can assist in killing off the yeast. Grapefruit seed extract, berberine and olive leaf are all helpful in dealing with yeast overgrowth, and they can be bought over the counter at most stores.

3. Probiotics and other laxatives

Probiotics offer one of the best solutions to try once you have killed most of the yeast off. They ensure that you are having regular bowel movements to helps eliminate yeast.

Other supplements that help facilitate bowel movements are flaxseed, psyllium husk and fermented foods like kimchi and sauerkraut.

4. Detox

Getting rid of the yeast completely involves a little detoxing to make sure the liver is working properly and ridding the body of bad yeast. Milk thistle and molybdenum are great for helping the liver to get rid of excess waste.

5. Stress reduction

This process of yeast elimination involves a lot of lifestyle changes, so it's good to make sure that you're taking care of your mental health, too. Practising meditation and yoga regularly will help ensure that you maintain a positive attitude.

It's important to acknowledge that detoxing from yeast can sometimes worsen the candida overload symptoms initially, so the first few weeks can be difficult. If you are consistent about making these healthy changes, your body will be back to feeling good in no time.

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