Your child and ADHD: how to deal with a new diagnosis

November 3, 2015

Some parents experience shock when their child is diagnosed with ADHD, while others feel a sense of relief—at least now they know where the problem lies. Here's what to do after your child's diagnosis.

Your child and ADHD: how to deal with a new diagnosis

Knowledge is power

  • No more puzzling over your child's issues and conflicts; no more sitting back helplessly while he or she is misunderstood by teachers and peers. You can take action now, and this is a positive thing.
  • You're no longer alone, lost or guessing about what's going on with your child. Forewarned is forearmed, and you can replace that powerless feeling with proactive steps.
  • However, the next steps won't necessarily be easy. Parents of a child who has ADHD face more challenges than others—but you can do it. There is support, there is help and there are specific things you can do to give your child the best life possible.

Educate yourself

Start by learning everything you can about ADHD. There are new studies and breakthroughs all the time, so arm yourself with the most current information that you can find.

Seek support

  • You don't have to do it alone—and you shouldn't. Partner with a doctor who can help you navigate the first steps and connect with other parents of other ADHD children, both online and off.
  • You can learn much from parents who have already walked this road, and share support with those who are in the same phase.

Consider a holistic approach

At this early stage, don't rule out any treatment or modality. Consider medical, strength-based and alternative approaches to your child's treatment. Ask around for referrals and keep a running list of your best options.

Communicate with your child

  • Be forthright with your child, using age-appropriate language. Take care not to diminish his sense of self or make it a character issue. Cut him or her some slack when appropriate; however, don't make ADHD an excuse for allowing your child to under-perform. Many kids with ADHD are bright and talented.
  • Managing an ADHD diagnosis is all about balance. Strive to help to treat your child's symptoms while cultivating his or her strengths, and you'll be ahead of the game.
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